Christ did not follow the traditions of human nature to enrich ‘self.’ He did not seek His own property or fame. He only sought to do the will of His Father and to love Him first, and express that love by obedience, and also loving all of God’s children.
Can WE use HIS pattern of love, similarly, by looking to His light, loving God first and planting seeds of love towards our earth-mates?
By following this pattern would not this unavoidably, change the world?
What is your story and aspirations of the Love of God?
We invite you to discover the possibilities with us!
Tiny House Origins
This little house was meant to be a shed with some stairs outside to view the mountain goats, but it blossomed into a peaceful tiny house.
We didn’t know what to do next and weren’t really interested in just making money with it. We were inspired to hang our newly finished painting in it, in hopes of blessing others’ lives through our How A Tree Grows endeavor.
Even though it reaches less than 70 people a year, through nightly rentals, we recognize all good things are done one-by-one.
Make a Difference
On the table in the Tiny House there is this invitation with two postcards and $20 for our guests:
Welcome to our Tiny House! We sincerely hope you enjoy your time in this part of Alaska.
We invite you to participate in our How a Tree Grows endeavor. The painting on the wall was commissioned and painted by local artist and friend, Kwangsook Schaefermeyer. It has special meaning to us. The Leaves might represent the peoples of the world and the Light might represent Love; it might even represent God’s Love.
If we can be so bold, we invite you to take this money and a postcard or two and go about your life. Look for an opportunity to help another earth-mate. It will be fun! It may or may not involve money, but if it does, you can use this money as a seed to get you started. Afterwards, we would appreciate if you could share with us how it went, by writing your experience on this postcard and sending it back to us. Know that we plan on sharing your results in an album in the Tiny House and on our website -
We sincerely believe that a culmination of small acts will help inspire others to do the same and maybe we can help the world be a tiny bit better, one leaf at a time!